Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment is FREE COLLEGE CREDIT!!!
Thompson School District pays for the cost of tuition for a maximum of one college class per semester per student.
Parent/Student is responsible for the fee(s) & books associated with the course.
Students in grades 9 -10 may be eligible. Grades 11-12 are the targeted grades for this program. Classes must be at least college freshman level to qualify for tuition reimbursement.
Currently, Thompson School District has concurrent enrollment agreements with Front Range Community College and AIMS Community College. Credits are also available through other schools. For example, there is credit offered through the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) from UCCS, and CU Gold for some upper-level foreign language classes.
The student must pass each class with a D or higher for parents to be reimbursed for tuition.
For more information about concurrent enrollment, please see the Thompson School District website here.
Concurrent enrollment paperwork for Fall 2025 is due by August 1st!